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Panel discussion: How the technology impact on Ukranian politics?

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In Kyiv Center of UCU was hold the panel discussion about the role of the emerging technologies in Ukrainian politics. The participants discussed whether the politicians would exploit the cutting-edge technology in the upcoming election.

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UCU Philosophy Summer School: how it was gone (photo report)

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30 participants and 11 lecturers took part in the Summer School 2018 “New Technologies, Social Media and Future of Democracy”

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Professor Roman Taraban, Ph.D.

Does a Machine Have Metacognition?

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Dr. Roman Taraban, Ph.D., Professor at Texas Tech University in Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience analyzes whether a computer needs to experience metacognition like a human in order for the process to be regarded as metacognitive?

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Stephen Russo, IBM

Stephen Russo, IBM: Privacy vs. Safaty

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Stephen Russo, Director IBM for Cognitive City solutions in his public lecture that was held at the opening of the Sheptytsky Center in UCU, has analyzed the following issues: are we ready to give up privacy for safety? Are new technologies capable of securing the privacy of private data?

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