Center for Ethics and Technology

Center for Ethics and Technology was initiated by the UCU Lviv Business School (LvBS) to study the impact of technology on society and people and popularize the ethical aspects of technological development. The project is aimed at setting up a platform for communication between technology business, society, scientific and research institutions


What we do?

Відкрита лекція Євгена Ланюка "Майбутнє без приватності? Влада і контроль у цифрову епоху"

Демонстраційний майданчик технологій VR

Панельна дискусія "VR/AR крізь призму психіатрії, ІТ та богослов'я"

"Приватність vs. Безпека" - Відкрита лекція Стівена Руссо, ІВМ, директора ІВМ із технологій "розумного міста" 

Панельна дискусія "Людина vs. Машина: хто прийматиме рішення в майбутньому?"

Експерти Центру взяли участь у підготовці посібника "Що повинні знати НДО, аби захистити себе в інформаційному полі?"


Quantitative and qualitative research on technology impact on society, study of expectations, trend analysis, expert polls, and interviews


Center drives the educational projects such as courses, programs, textbooks and manuals that contribute to the better awareness of the technology advancement challenges. We believe that appropriate education could lead to the decisions based on values.  

Media and publishing

Development of an online platform for technological news, blogs from interesting authors, webinars and actual interviews, as well as translating and publishing books


CET creates the platform for discussions about innovations and technology in respect to its ethical aspects. The CET’s values are openness, freedom of ideas sharing and, academic integrity


Considering the uniqueness of the UCU Lviv Business School which runs business programs at the intersection of business, technology, humanities and, Christian spirituality, the project is a space for interdisciplinary discussions about the ethical perspectives of developing and using emerging technologies. We strive to combine the high academic standards of UCU with the expectations of the business environment. We expect the research findings to open up new ethical prospects for the future, and enable technology business to develop and innovate with respect to human dignity and mission


We believe that the development of new technologies that would serve the good of human is impossible without clear ethical guidelines. In turn, these guidelines should be based on deep research of both technology and humanities, such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy. By integrating the professionals working at the crossroads of different industries into the project, we seek to provide society and business with the integral vision of the role of technology in the realization of a human purpose

Our goals

The project aims at delivering qualitative and quantitative research on the impact of technology on human life and the state of the environment. We strive to promote a dialogue between business, public, academic and educational institutions, and open up together new perspectives on the use of innovative technologies with respect to human dignity. Our plans include research, organizing discussions, regular reviews of technological news, developing and implementing an educational program on ethics of technologies

Center was supported by